Denied Insurance Claims

If your insurance company has denied your claim, don't worry, you're not alone. Many people have their claims wrongfully denied by insurance companies every year. That's where we come in.

We are First Response Public Adjusting, and we specialize in helping people get the payment they deserve for their denied claims.

What is a denied insurance claim?

A denied claim from an insurance company is a decision made by the company not to provide coverage for a particular event or loss. This can happen for a number of reasons, including if the company believes that the event is not covered by the policy, if the policyholder has not met the requirements for coverage, or if the company believes that the claim is fraudulent.

Denied claims can be very frustrating for policyholders, as they may have to pay out of pocket for expenses that they had expected to be covered. If you have received a denial from your insurance company, it is important to understand why it was made and what you can do to appeal the decision.

How do I appeal a denied claim?

The appeals process for a denied insurance claim is outlined in your policy documents. If you are unsatisfied with the explanation from the claims adjuster, you will need to file a formal appeal. The clock starts ticking when the claim is denied, and you only have a limited amount of time to file an appeal.

Include evidence and documentation to support your position that the damages should be covered. The more organized you are, the better chance you have of getting a thorough review of your denied claim.

Following the proper appeals process is essential to getting satisfaction from your homeowners insurance company.

Why should I use a public adjuster to appeal a denied claim from an insurance company?

If your insurance company denies your claim, it can be extremely frustrating. After all, you have been paying premiums for years, and you expect them to be there for you when you need them. However, it is important to remember that insurance companies are businesses, and their primary goal is to make money. As a result, they may be reluctant to pay out on a claim, even if it is valid.

This is where a public adjuster can help. A public adjuster is a professional who represents policyholders in claims against insurance companies. They are experts in the field, and they know how to navigate the appeals process. If you have had your claim denied, hiring a public adjuster like First Response may be the best way to get the compensation you deserve.

Our team of experts has extensive experience in working with insurance companies to get claims approved. We understand the appeals process and know how to present your case in the most favorable light. In addition, we take the time to thoroughly investigate each claim, ensuring that all relevant information is included in the appeal.

An insurance adjuster may overlook hidden damages that we can identify by searching behind your walls, in your attic, etc.

You don’t have to pay a penny of our competitive rates unless we are successful in getting your claim approved. When it comes to appealing a denied insurance claim, First Response Public Adjusting is the best choice for getting the results you need.

If you have been denied a claim from your insurance company, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We specialize in helping people get the payment they deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation. Denied claims are no match for us!